Two views of what might have been. On the left the TDR-3, which sported radial engines and an improved Block-3 television set-up. The Navy lost all interest in propeller driven aircraft after the war, and it was shelved. On the right, a drawing of a jet-powered bomber drone – an Me 163 clone? – designed by Interstate in 1943 and put into the round file by the Navy. (Courtesy of Roger Keys)
Two views of what might have been. On the left the TDR-3, which sported radial engines and an improved Block-3 television set-up. The Navy lost all interest in propeller driven aircraft after the war, and it was shelved. On the right, a drawing of a jet-powered bomber drone – an Me 163 clone? – designed by Interstate in 1943 and put into the round file by the Navy. (Courtesy of Roger Keys)