1998 Reunion

October 7 thru October 11, 1998
Doubletree Oceanfront Hotel
Cocoa Beach, Florida

Newsletter Stag-1 Satfor Reunion

Veterans of the Navy’s first missile group were called back to active duty at the Reunion banquet by Capt. Robert Stolarz USN – but only long enough to write and mail a letter to their congressmen and women. Their mission: to tell lawmakers to fund a strong Navy and correct all early retirement plans that are sending technicians into early retirement.

From Wednesday noon to Saturday night reunioners enjoyed the balmy ocean breezes and exuberant hospitality of the Doubletree Inn at Cocoa Beach and the enthusiastic guidance of Funday Discovery Tours. Disney’s EPCOT, The Space Center and the Dragon Guardian of the Intracoastal Waterways, were glad to welcome the Stag-l.

It was a pleasure and honor for the Reunion Committee to work with you – Jean Porter, Michelle Porter and Helen Myers – with thanks to Frank Newman, Marguerite Conroy, Eleanor and Norman Tengstrom and Sally and Ray Wool

STAG ONE 1998 Annual Meeting Minutes

October 10, 1998 8:00 a.m. Coco Beach, Florida Double Tree Inn

Meeting called to order by Norm Tengstrom, Chairman.
Due to the death of Marvin “Red” Lepien (who will be missed), a replacement was needed for Secretary. George Bangert nominated me, Roger Newton, for the post. No other nominations being made, the nominations were closed. Once again I was volunteered , U.S.N. Tradition.

Treasurer’s report by Eddie Moyes. Cash $2907.26. Report accepted as read.

Eugene Anspach presented a new patch for approval. All members approved and the patches were put on sale at $1.00 each.

Stag One caps for Coco Beach, 1998 Reunion, were supplied by Jack Heupel at $6.00 each. All caps were sold.

Discussion regarding U.S. Navy Birthday Ball, sponsored by the Navy League. Stag One members and wives attended as guests of Capt. Bob Jones. Ball was arranged by Jean Porter Hall, Michelle Porter and John Porter.

Old Business:
Copies of current roster were passed around for possible correction. Next reunion to be held in Pensacola, Florida. Host will be Bob Bothfield. Norm to contact Bob for more information.

New Business:
Reunion for year 2000:
Jack Heupel suggested 3 to 5 day cruise from Houston, Texas.
Eddie Moyes suggested a return to Monterey, California. Perhaps Karen Moyes and Dan Dan Donnely to research possibilities.
Roger Keyes presented TDR lens to those not yet having them.
TDR to be entered in National Registry of Historic Aircraft.
TDR is at present not on display at the NAVY Air Museum in Pensacola.
Reason given, work being done. Hope they don’t lose it.

Appreciation expressed for work done to put on the 1998 Reunion: Frank Newman, Jean Porter Hall, Michelle Porter and John Porter. Meeting adjourned at 0926 by Norm Tengstrom.

Roger Newton, Secretary

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