The Queen Bee, a de Haviland biplane equipped with radio controls, is shown here being catapulted off of a British cruiser. It was the world’s first reliable drone aircraft. While Del Fahrney (inset) appreciated the Bee’s anti-aircraft training capabilities, he also dreamed of creating a robot “assault drone” that could strike targets without endangering pilots. He is now widely regarded as the Navy’s “Father of Guided Missiles.” (Author’s Collection)
The Queen Bee, a de Haviland biplane equipped with radio controls, is shown here being catapulted off of a British cruiser. It was the world’s first reliable drone aircraft. While Del Fahrney (inset) appreciated the Bee’s anti-aircraft training capabilities, he also dreamed of creating a robot “assault drone” that could strike targets without endangering pilots. He is now widely regarded as the Navy’s “Father of Guided Missiles.” (Author’s Collection)